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All posts tagged "Found Footage February"

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Editorials1 week ago

Queer the Walking Dead: The Rise of the “Gay Zombie” Subgenre

Why Do Queer People Resonate with the Zombie? For a queer audience, the liminal state (defined by the dictionary as...

Editorials3 weeks ago

What If…? Your Favorite Final Girls Became Final Boys?

So, in the spirit of this whimsical month celebrating all things Other, it's time to set the seriousness aside and...

Editorials3 weeks ago

The Ferocity and Necessity of Shapeshifting with ‘Perpetrator’ (2023)

Sometimes, we need to shift our shape in order to fully embody our true form. Shifting lies at the core...

Editorials4 weeks ago

We Love a Baddie: A Celebration of Sapphic Villains

Despite the rigid guidelines of the Hays Code, which was active from 1934 to 1968, the horror genre has hosted...

Editorials4 weeks ago

All My Homies Love Cronenberg

Why do Transgender people love Cronenberg?

Editorials1 month ago

Finding Radical Queer Pride in ‘Tetsuo: The Iron Man’ (1989)

What if I told you Tetsuo: The Iron Man is one of the most evocative examples of “queer awakening” ever put on...

Editorials1 month ago

Blood, Guts, and Gender Dysphoria in Manga

It’s terrifying to imagine living in a body that doesn’t feel quite right. The idea of becoming a stranger to...

Editorials1 month ago

Queer Sexuality in Clive Barker’s ‘Hellraiser’ (1987)

Sexuality plays a huge role in Hellraiser. Not only is sex central to the plot of the film, but the Cenobites...

Editorials3 months ago

Is It Time for a Queer ‘Jaws’ Remake?

Is 'Jaws' (1974) queer coded? Jaws does pass the Bechdel test… once. Aside from a brief geographic conversation between wives, Jaws is homosocial...

Editorials3 months ago

‘Pet Sematary’ (2019) is Scarier Than You Remember

The Pet Sematary remake brought us something new within a story we knew well. It created a horror we hadn't gotten from...