More News About ‘THE BOULET BROTHERS’ DRAGULA: TITANS’ and Its Release Date Has Just Dropped— And It’s Going to Be Massive

The horror, filth, and glamour we know is about to grow to TITANIC proportions.
Boulet Brothers’ Dragula fans have finally gotten word on the finer details of the new series The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula: Titans thanks to a Deadline Hollywood exclusive article.
The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula: Titans reunites a roster of the biggest and baddest contestants from the show’s past, returning for a chance at a $100,000 dollar prize as well as a coveted spot as the head of the Boulet Brothers world tour wearing the one and only Titans Crown.
For speculation on who might be coming back to clash for the crown, we’ve got an article for you right here.
We also have a confirmation that we’ll be getting returning guest judges, ranging from drag queens like Alaska Thunderfuck and Katya Zamolodchikova, to peculiar pop metal royalty Poppy, to all-time great scream queen Barbara Crampton, to the one and only mistress of the dark herself, Cassandra Peterson (Elvira).
The Boulets promise “shocking twists and turns” that will have you completely gagged and is one of the many reasons they can only seem to call The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula: Titans “the most compelling content [they’ve] created to date”.
The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula: Titans will release in a colossal two-part premiere on October 25th exclusively on Shudder, just in time for Halloween.
The Creep Tapes: Mom (and Albert) (S1E6)

We’ve reached the end of The Creep Tapes Season 1! Whew, time flies.
This season has taken us through the wild kills of Josef (Mark Duplass) over an unspecified amount of time. From open wetlands to making a true crime story, Josef has shown us the depths of his maniacal depravity. Episode 6 follows in the footsteps of Episode 5 (Brandt) by showing us a deeper look into the psyche of Josef and what makes him him.
“Mom (and Albert)” follows Josef as he makes a surprise visit to his mother’s (Krisha Fairchild) house. Shortly into Josef’s visit, he’s introduced to her new beau, Albert (John Craven). Josef isn’t sure how to take his mother’s partner and does whatever he can to make the visit as awkward as possible. But will the awkwardness turn into murder? Will this be the first Creep Tape without a kill?
(Spoilers from here on out.)
First and foremost, we finally get what we’ve all been begging for…DONG! Josef throws a fit and runs away. His mother goes looking for him and finds him naked with half of his body (head first) in a jacuzzi. He eventually comes out of the hot tub and we finally see the penis of a madman. So, for those who stuck through the first five episodes just to see if we got it, well, there you go!
Everything about Episode 6 is freaky and paints Josef in somewhat of a sympathetic light. One of the things we learn is Josef’s unique obsession with Forest Gump. As someone who has only seen bits and pieces of Forest Gump on TNT over the years, I cannot really comment on if/why that is important. What I can comment on is the information that directly impacts Josef as a character.
When Albert arrives, his mother introduces Josef to Albert, saying, “This is my favorite son, Wolfie.” This lends us two important pieces. But before we unpack that, Josef’s mother reveals she still has his stuffed animal named Wolfie. We also learn that when Josef was six, he had a bad dream and ripped the wolf’s head off. His mother goes on to say that she didn’t sew it back on completely so that he remembered what he did. Josef has an age regression issue. He goes to check out his bed, and when he realizes it’s not his “special bed,” he throws a fit.
What does this teach us? The most obvious thing it teaches us is that Josef has been babied far too long. His mother calls him by the name that he calls his stuffed animal, which he ripped the head off of. From what we’ve learned, his mother has purposely stunted his emotional growth OR didn’t do anything to make sure Josef’s mental health was addressed from a young age. Returning to how he was introduced to Albert, she says that Wolfie is her favorite son. This either implies that Josef has siblings OR that his mother is also a pathological liar and is feeding Albert a false narrative of her life.
Given what we’ve seen to the point of Albert’s introduction, either of those two options is possible. By the time that Josef kills Albert, his mother doesn’t really seem too upset. Even though his mother shoots down Josef when he tells Albert that he wants to film with him, it’s clear she knows more than she’s leading on.
But that’s when we get the all-too-telling final shot of the season. Josef and his mother have a conversation on the ground next to where Albert is now buried. Earlier in the episode, Josef’s mother comments on how he breastfed for 6 years; he was also a biter. Cut to post-Albert kill. Josef and his mother awkwardly embrace and Josef suckles from her. It’s truly appalling and tells us all we really need to know.
Episode 6 was fantastic and gave us a proper backstory into who Josef is and why. Now we must take into account that Josef’s mother may be just as pathological as he is, but I feel there is some truth in what she says.
The Creep Tapes has been a welcome entry into Creep cannon, and if Shudder is smart, they will have already asked Duplass and Brice to start Season 2.
What did you think about this series? Was it everything you wanted from a Creep expansion? And what was your favorite tape?
The Creep Tapes: Brandt (S1E5)

The Creep Tapes is nearing its finale, which is a damn shame! This season has been a blast to go through, and with any luck, we’ll hear news of a second season shortly. But there’s no need to sing our sorrows because we still have Episodes 5 and 6 to get through! Episode 5, “Brandt”, is the most experimental and mind-boggling of what we’ve seen thus far.
It’s difficult to get into this episode without spoilers, so fair warning.
“Brandt” finds Josef (Mark Duplass), who goes by Kyle, alone in a hotel room, patiently awaiting Brandt’s arrival (Scott Pitts). Brandt’s persistent tardiness slowly throws Josef into a spiral of psychosis and anger. A missed opportunity with a random hotel guest (Tai Leclaire) makes Josef angrier at a wasted opportunity. Will Brandt show up and finally meet his end at the hands of Josef? Or will This be Josef’s first kill-free tape?
This episode will surely ruffle some feathers regarding the lore of the franchise. It’s been made clear that editing goes into Josef’s tapes, which we’ve seen in some of these previous tapes and in the films. Josef spends most of this tape alone in this hotel room with Peachfuzz. And not just with the mask of Peachfuzz, but actual Peachfuzz. If you haven’t seen the episode, that might not make sense.
The scene that really makes Josef’s editing prominent is when he sits across from himself (as Peachfuzz) on the bed while they eat P.F. Chang’s—at first, this confused me. Is there a second person helping Josef commit these crimes? Then we get to the scene where Peachfuzz somehow cuts the power to the room while Josef is on camera doing something else. And this culminates in Josef getting knocked out by the butt of an axe when he opens a closet door.
Everything points toward Peachfuzz being a second person who is NOT Josef. When Josef wakes up from being knocked out, he is in the bathtub with his hands tied above his head. BUT when Brandt finally shows up, Josef slips out of his binds. So it’s clear that Josef put himself into this situation and edited the footage in a way that made himself out to be Peachfuzz.
Whether or not this episode will work for everyone is up in the air. It took a second rewatch for it all to really sink in. Josef’s mania is on full display here. When he thinks his victim will not be showing up, it leads him down a path of self-destruction. Even though Brandt does show up, Josef follows through with editing the tape in a way that propels the idea of Peachfuzz being a separate entity from Josef the man.
One of the things we learn early on in the episode is that this is Josef’s “first solo project.” We can assume this means Brandt will be Josef’s first Peachfuzz-less kill. But in the end, Peachfuzz wins and throws the axe at Brandt. What this also does is give us somewhat of a timeline to go on. At this point in the series, we’ve witnessed Josef kill people without the use of Peachfuzz. This leads us to assume that Brandt was early on in his kill list.
It will be fun to watch people pick apart and analyze this episode over the coming weeks/months, and I’m genuinely interested to see what audiences think of this episode. With one more creep tape left in the season, what do you think will happen? Will there be any more factually accurate Josef lore? Or will we get more of a deep dive into his unhinged, pathological lying psyche?