What is summer without a shark movie? Starring Saskia Archer, Teressa Liane, Kate Lister, and Ann Truong, The Reef: Stalked follows a group of friends kayaking...
The movie centers around two characters, Sally (Shaina Schrooten), a religious protestor, and Angie (Caito Aase), an exotic dancer, who are forced to survive the apocalypse...
The deity of stop motion serves us a bountiful harvest of bizarre aesthetics and eerie imagery. I shouldn’t like this movie as much as I do....
Hey folks! I had a week off from work and I spent my time playing the Evil Dead video game, recording episodes for my podcast (Autopsy...
Ah, young love. What could keep two young lovers apart? Perhaps a horde of blood-lusting, zombies. That is exactly what happens in Rob Jabbaz’s debut feature...
The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula’s move to Shudder arrived with its largest prize to date and some welcome production upgrades – c’mawn Shudder! Aside from a sleeker...
I’ve come to find that writing horror articles is like making a horror movie: you’ve got to have a sequel eventually. And I loved picking out...
Filth, horror, glamour. You’ve heard the phrase a million times already as a fan of the Boulet Brother’s one-of-a-kind television programming. And while there are many...
It’s no secret that an All-Stars, or Titans, season of The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula is most likely on the horizon. Fans are foaming at the mouth...
The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula is a show made with a crazy amount of love and laden with an even crazier amount of horror references and in-jokes for...