Episode Thirteen follows Fade to Black, a ghost hunting show run by husband and wife team Matt and Claire Kirklin. Matt is the typical Jason Hawes...
As a found footage film, The Ceremony doesn’t do anything overwhelmingly original with shot composition and camera style. It feels like many other found footage films, and it doesn’t try...
Livescreamers follows Janus Gaming, a group of internet personalities who have formed a gaming collective, sort of like Achievement Hunters or Funhaus (rest in peace). The group...
This review is a message for Mr. Wattley. If anything is clear from Ghost Game it’s two things. Firstly, writer Adam Cesare is having one hell of a...
As a film, Frogman is enjoyable. It’s hard to do found footage horror well, and harder still to bring something new to the table, but the cast...
If you read my Top 3 Horror Films of 2023 list, you’ll know I’m a huge fan of Frogman. It’s a weird, chaotic, and original found footage movie that...
The brainchild of Bloody Disgusting founder Brad Miska, 2012’s V/H/S was an experiment in giving filmmakers free rein over their found footage passion projects. The V/H/S movies generally...
Malibu Horror Story follows a group of paranormal investigators trying to find clues about a group of teens who went missing in a cave deep in the...
The Cloverfield franchise has had a long, bizarre journey to being a big-name horror franchise. The J.J. Abrams-produced sci-fi horror film had its way to theaters...
Out of all of the found footage films of 2022, the one that stuck out most to me, again, is a mockumentary film. And, again, this...