The use of a marionette to represent Lee is by far the most compelling choice that the documentary makes, with actor Peter Serafinowicz lending his dulcet...
Gingle Wang stars as The Rookie, who is on the fast track to oblivion after her family inadvertently throws away a key artifact from her life....
Originally conceived as a TV show, Trizombie opens in a care center for people with Down syndrome. Here, we’re introduced to Luka (Jelle Palmaerts), who has...
There were many big premieres at Fantastic Fest this year, which continues to solidify the ‘Fantastic’ in their name. Of all the premieres, one stuck out...
Before his stint as cinema’s go-to romantic lead, Hugh Grant secured one of his first big roles, as many do, in a horror film. That film...
The Draft! follows a group of friends, Budi (Haydar Salishz), Ani (Putri Anggie), Iwan (Adhin Abdul Hakim), Wati (Anastasia Herzigova), and Amir (Winner Wijaya), who take...
The Severed Sun takes place in an isolated religious community. This self-sustaining community is far from idyllic. Magpie (Emma Appleton) finds herself at the whim of...
Anthology horror films, much like life, are like a box of chocolates. For every crunchy praline or chewy caramel, there tends to be an off-tasting orange...
The lineup for Fantastic Fest 2024 was just as impressive as always. Where does one begin? My experience at this year’s fest started with Stuart Ortiz’s...
With a strong cast, beautiful costuming, and a few stand-out sequences, Apartment 7A is a solid prequel to Rosemary’s Baby — but that’s all it is....