March is a month full of remakes at Horror Press, which means this month’s giveaway will certainly be an unabashedly, universally loved, critically received remake that...
Elevated horror? Nah, son. Elevator horror. What reason do I have to pretend that I wasn’t at least a little biased about Evil Dead Rise from the jump?...
What’s up with demonic possessions, anyway? Not unlike UFOs, unidentified floating humans have remained a mystery throughout history. As gatekeepers of all things infernal, dark, and...
It’s time for the Evil Dead to rise once more, as the return of the Necronomicon promises a brutal, bloody show. We’ve been excited to see...
Welcome to Horror Press’s Horror 101, a series of articles where we explain horror movie legends and their lore. For beginners, the confused, or just those...
While the Deadites feast on souls, Evil Dead fans are eating good again. After a teaser released via franchise star and executive producer Bruce Campbell’s Twitter,...
Since 2003’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, remakes and reboots have been at the forefront of horror cinema. Sometimes it’s for the better, and sometimes not so much....
The Evil Dead (1981) is an undisputed horror classic. Whether it’s actually scary, however, is another topic. Of course, what makes a movie scary is subjective....