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[REVIEW] BROOKLYN HORROR FILM FESTIVAL: ‘Monolith’ (2022) Builds Up Mystery and Brings Down the House



I rarely run into using cliches while writing my reviews, but it’s very frustrating when I do. In particular, saying, “I was on the edge of my seat the whole time” is trite. But when a movie like Matt Vesely’s Monolith comes along and has me quite literally on the edge of my seat within the first few minutes, I struggle to find another way to put it. And Monolith doesn’t relent on towing that line of discomfort until the credits roll.  


She was at the top of her game working as an investigative journalist. But when her story is found to be libelous, and her defamation case spreads like wildfire, the unnamed Interviewer loses everything. Taking work as the host of the mystery podcast Beyond Believable and hiding in her parent’s countryside home, The Interviewer begins to uncover a bizarre series of events surrounding a collection of black bricks and their tortured owners. As her sensationalized coverage propels the story of the brick’s disturbing phenomena onto an international scale, she finds her place in the story closer to home than she thought. 

It has been a long week of film-watching for me at Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2023, so I had prayed that Monolith would be the big finish I had been waiting for. And a big finish it is. Monolith is best compared to Alex Garland’s best work in films like Ex Machina and Annihilation. It’s eldritch sci-fi horror done right, and I know it’s done right because it manages to make a black brick one of the freakiest horror movie villains of the year. 


A one-character, one-location film is very easy to mess up and relies chiefly on three things: strong pacing, strong camerawork, and a very strong performance from the lead. It has to be hard to get distracted in a film like this. You need an added degree of investment when the range of a character’s motion is limited, and Monolith hits all three immediately. You never find yourself waiting for the story to start back up, you have enough room to breathe and think about the moving parts of Monolith’s mystery, but not enough to ever be comfortable. 

Similarly, the camerawork manages to make the most out of capturing mostly cold, quiet interiors. The framing makes you dread every turn around a corner and push down a hallway. This is best exhibited in the deeply disquieting vision sequences, which show us a victim’s point of view experiences with the bricks, and the things the artifacts force them to see in themselves and the world around them. Underlying the scenes is an uncomfortable, syncopated soundtrack that adds another dimension of something being off, steeped in a waking dream you have no control over. 



The sequences are driven by writer Lucy Campbell’s great dialogue, which feels natural and unnatural all at once. You can tell everybody speaking to the Interviewer is slowly being dragged back down into the pit of their memory, meeting an old friend with a new sinister undertone, and that eventually leeches into the Interviewer herself as she falls headfirst into a desire for the truth.

And with only the lead performance left to stick the landing, I have to give it up to Lily Sullivan who is top tier in this as the Interviewer. 

Sullivan’s acting is able to generate this powder keg of negativity that is waiting to blow up. The Interviewer is cynical, stubborn, and conniving, but above all else, she’s unrelenting. She is a perfect embodiment of predatory journalism and simultaneously a victim of her own ambition. You feel her need to escape her mistakes palpably thanks to Sullivan’s ability to play that desperation, and if you don’t sympathize with that, you will sympathize with her need for answers as you try to figure it out yourself. The hunt for the truth is at the epicenter of this role for her, and she makes you feel that the entire time. 

Her acting in the role most people will recognize her for, Beth in Evil Dead Rise, was driven by great onscreen chemistry between her and the rest of the film’s cast. However, she excels because she isn’t connected to anybody physically. You watch her slowly sink deeper and deeper in fear and paranoia, and when she clashes with her callers, there are these bursts of anger that catch you off guard in a major way. 


In the end, Monolith’s message is clear in a story all about the details being muddied. Lingering in the background is a subtle real-life fear: information is spreading too fast, and the stability of truth is not what it once was. In a world where misinformation is sold as reality, does every story need to be told? Should every truth, personal and private, be able to be published at will? And when you share your every thought to be consumed at the tap of a screen, do any of them really belong to you anymore? 


It makes a near-perfect work depicting the horrors that can emerge when memetics take over, and the human mind becomes captured by a shared idea. Ironically, that’s what makes me hope everybody gets to share in their dread on a wider release and connect over the terror of Monolith.  

Luis Pomales-Diaz is a freelance writer and lover of fantasy, sci-fi, and of course, horror. When he isn't working on a new article or short story, he can usually be found watching schlocky movies and forgotten television shows.

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[REVIEW] The People Vs. ‘The Exorcism of Emily Rose’

The Exorcism of Emily Rose is a unique take on exorcism films. The film follows Erin Brunner (Laura Linney), a high-profile defense lawyer. Brunner is fresh off a murder case where her client was cleared of all charges–only for that client to turn around and commit another set of murders. In the hopes of becoming a partner at her law firm, Brunner is talked into taking the defense for Father Richard Moore (Tom Wilkinson). Father Moore finds himself in the hot seat after a series of exorcisms resulted in the death of Emma Rose (Jennifer Carpenter). The twist? Erin Brunner is agnostic! OooOOoooOh.



The second film I wanted to cover, that’s “based on a true story”, is one that utterly fascinates me…and not for the right reasons. After Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, I felt let down. I am by no means a Henry Lee Lucas expert, but even with someone having the bare knowledge of the case, I couldn’t believe they dared to refer to it as having anything to do with the Confession Killer. Could The Exorcism of Emily Rose pull me out of this pit of despair? Can it get some basic information right? Ugh.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose is a unique take on exorcism films. The film follows Erin Brunner (Laura Linney), a high-profile defense lawyer. Brunner is fresh off a murder case where her client was cleared of all charges–only for that client to turn around and commit another set of murders. In the hopes of becoming a partner at her law firm, Brunner is talked into taking the defense for Father Richard Moore (Tom Wilkinson). Father Moore finds himself in the hot seat after a series of exorcisms resulted in the death of Emma Rose (Jennifer Carpenter). The twist? Erin Brunner is agnostic! OooOOoooOh.

This film brings us the dramatized events of Emily’s tragic final days through the setting of a courtroom drama. There’s something fun about this idea. It’s surprising this idea hasn’t been reused. Laura Linney and Tom Wilkinson are an excellent duo, they play off each other very well. If only the real-life lawyers were as likable as Erin Brunner (we’ll get there later). The real star of the show is Jennifer Carpenter. Tasked with doing justice to the real Emily Rose (Anneliese Michel), Carpenter handles her performance with class.

The story jumps back and forth between the courtroom and Emily’s experiences. There is great information for the film to base its script on, and it doesn’t do it interestingly. One of the most notorious pieces of evidence in this case is the leaked audio of the 67 exorcisms performed on Michel. The Catholic church did not release this audio until around 2011, but Carpenter does a great job of channeling the pain you can hear in the audio.

An interesting angle of the real Anneliese Michel story is how the lawyers were really trying to put the devil on trial. Unlike the film, Michel’s parents were also put on trial, as well as the two priests who initiated the exorcisms. Rather than the film’s dramatic guilty plea with time served as a sentence, the German justice department thought the parents had suffered enough and that the priests should just get fined. In reality, both the parents and the priests deserved to go to jail. The complete neglect of Anneliese’s ailments was thought nothing more than the dirty hands of the devil. Anneliese’s parents and the priests were the cause of her death. Their extreme beliefs in a bearded man in the sky trumped the reality of what was actually happening with their extremely sick daughter.


The film plays off Brunner as someone who needs to see the light. Brunner is put on this case to help rectify her previous case (the one where she got the murderer off without charges). God put her in Father Moore’s hands. So, by this logic, co-writer/director Scott Derrickson thinks that for one person to receive redemption, another must die. The Exorcism of Emily Rose is nothing more than religious propaganda. “What if god is real,” Erin Brunner asks the jury. Even if god is real, a young woman is dead! God isn’t on the chopping block, Father Moore is. This latter half of this film plays strictly to the Bible Belt.

Also, Erin Brunner is written as someone who can be redeemed and will be redeemed, a tragic character who has accepted greed over truth. Do you want to know who defended the Michels in real life? Lawyers who defended Nazis in the Nurenberg trials. Scott Derrickson can fuck right off.

Everything about this film feels like nothing more than Catholic-funded propaganda. Rather than owning up to their mistakes and accepting the punishment they deserved, the Michels and priests never had to answer for their true crimes. They left a young woman to die a truly horrible death and all got off with a slap on the wrist.

All of this went down around the same time as Vatican 2. The Catholics who were against Vatican 2 were hoping that they could find a way to prove that Anneliese was possessed because god wasn’t happy with the Vatican II overhaul. If they could prove god’s anger, they could use that as fuel to ensure Vatican II didn’t happen. Anneliese’s mother gaslit her into refusing the idea that her neurological issues could be the cause of all this. See, Anneliese wanted to be a teacher, but her mother forced her to believe that no one would hire her as a teacher if she had all of these issues. People won’t hire a crazy teacher.

Failed by those around her, Anneliese was posthumously deprived of any justice. If there is a god, I can only hope the Michels and the two priests do not meet him. Instead of breaking down all of these fascinating aspects of the case of Anneliese Michel, Scott Derrickson crafted a shell of a film. His lack of care for the source material is beyond disrespectful to Anneliese’s pain in her short time on earth. Scott Derrickson’s classless and [seemingly] Catholic-funded sophomore feature film is nothing more than a film that has a few solid scares that rely on you taking him at his word. For a film that starts with the title card “based on a true story,” there is not a lick of truth in this nearly two-hour film.

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[REVIEW] ‘Dreadstone: The Beginning’ Is a Gold Rush of Terror



We continue to start our year by looking at short films that either ran their festival circuit in 2024 or will soon be running the festival circuit. Western horror is a subgenre that’s often overlooked, usually because it offensively centers around Native Americans attacking groups of white people who have taken over their land. Bone Tomahawk and The Burrowers are unfortunate examples of painting Natives in a negative light for the plight of the whites. Who knew all it would take for a well-done Western horror is an Italian director at the helm?

Dreadstone: The Beginning follows Jeb (Grid Margraf), a tired and weathered man who is left in charge of his non-verbal autistic daughter Adeline (Alexandra Boulas). Jeb finds himself in possession of a purple-glowing gem that may be more nefarious than meets the eye. The two traverse across harsh lands in search of the source of the gem. But things turn south when they find out what they were looking for may have answers to questions they never intended on asking.

Written by Avery Peck and Riccardo Suriano, and directed by Riccardo Suriano, Dreadstone: The Beginning is a fascinating start to a tale as old as time. Peck’s cinematography beautifully brings their words to life and effortlessly blends cosmic horror with the overwhelming fruitless nature of greed and the human condition. Cosmic and Western horror aren’t typically put together, but they work incredibly well with the ideas behind Dreadstone and its themes. Jeb’s gem is a practical MacGuffin and is a great stand-in for the concept of greed; this opulent-looking rock in a no-tech world. It’s a simple object that’s incredibly effective.

The frontier setting of Dreadstone works to create an isolating setting. This large setting singularly frames these two characters and makes them feel like the only people in the world. It isn’t until the film’s final shot that we realize they are definitely not the only people around. Dreadstone: The Beginning is a drastic change from Suriano’s previous film, Along Came Ruby. Besides the obvious time difference between these two films, Ruby sets itself as a Last of Us-like post-apocalyptic film, whereas Dreadstone: The Beginning sets itself to possibly be a pre-apocalyptic film. These two films also differ in tone, but both films prove that Suriano is confident with his overall voice and vision.

Alexandra Boulas stars in both Along Came Ruby and Dreadstone: The Beginning. Boulas excels in both films but gives a more reserved and confident performance in Dreadstone. With the exception of a few moments, Boulas’ performance is silent…but commanding. Watching Ruby shows that Boulas can easily deliver lines, while Dreadstone proves there’s more to her acting than line delivery. Fingers crossed we see her in more films in the near future, I think she has a promising career ahead of her.


Dreadstone: The Beginning is a unique take on Western horror that forgoes the [racist] Native Americans against white people trope that the subgenre is fraught with. A touch of cosmic horror, a hint of coming-of-age, and a heaping spoonful of good ole greed make Dreadstone: The Beginning a short film that will stick with you long after the credits roll. I’ll tell you what…this made me look forward to Dreadstone: The Aftermath!

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