There are people who genuinely dislike jump scares for good reasons, both personal and philosophical. However, given how frequently the same talking points are regurgitated over...
The Mexican horror film Kilometer 31 (KM 31), directed by Rigoberto Castañeda, takes the story of La Llorona and gives it a modern twist with its...
At its core, Saw follows Dr. Lawrence Gordon (Cary Elwes) and Adam (Leigh Whannell), who wake up in a disgusting rest-stop-looking bathroom. Their legs? Chained to...
The Florida sun is blazing and the smell of fake fog is strong over at Universal Studios Orlando, where Halloween Horror Nights 33 is well underway....
With Terrifier 3 coming out soon and promising the deaths of between 1 and 200 children as Art the Clown brings his brand of bloody mayhem...