Art the Clown is coming back to town, and everyone’s on the naughty list. The trailer for Terrifier 3 premiered on the Bloody Disgusting official YouTube...
Regarding film festivals, one of the unsung heroes is always the short films. Unfortunately, it seems most publications pay them little to no mind, and that’s...
Shudder is taking Hot Girl Summer to heart this August. This month’s press release was small but mighty, and I am canceling my plans to fit...
Eli and Brendan are very excited about Fantasia’s lineup this year! The independent genre film festival has been haunting Montreal’s Concordia University halls for 28 years,...
Shudder has decided to spoil us again this month. What would we do without them? They are highlighting their Nicolas Cage collection to celebrate his new...
There is no shortage of giant insect horror. The 1950s saw pioneers in this regard, giving us gigantic bugs of all varieties. The insects we saw...
In April 2006, Silent Hill broke into theaters in the United States. I was still rather new to the world of horror gaming. With no real context...
Waters has been known throughout his career to give great film advice, from B-movie gems to wacky splatter flicks. Notably, Waters has always been fond of...
Happy Pride Month, everybody! We’re here, we’re queer, and we want to stay home tonight and binge-watch horror movies! I have triumphantly returned to the It...
Shudder is dropping bangers this June, and I am excited. They have unearthed a Dracula series from 2013 that somehow flew under my radar. They are...