Saw is an iconic horror franchise that’s always worth a watch. It’s a crime thriller coupled with serial killers who commit gruesome murders to prove a...
Exploring the Australian outback is an exciting adventure for any young traveler. Friends Kristy (Kestie Morassi) and Liz (Cassandra Magrath) leave England for the trip of...
The shortest and most mind-bending psychological horror I’ve ever seen is the subject of this article. Lyle (2014), written and directed by Stewart Thorndike, is an...
Suspenseful twists, stereotypical psychopathy, and the normalization of queer relationships are central to the psychological thriller What Keeps You Alive (2018). Jules (Brittany Allen) and Jackie...
Imagine a world with no remaining men: that’s what writer and director Bertrand Mandico of the cerebral French horror film After Blue (2021) did when writing...
I’ve never been a huge fan of zombie movies, mainly because I thought they were overdone. I believed that there’s only so much someone can do...
If you smoke weed, you know that some movies are much more fun to watch while you’re high. Films full of big ideas, excellent music, and...
Have you ever swam with sharks? I’ve always wanted to get in one of those big cages that are lowered into the ocean to see huge...
Our world in 2022 is scary. There’s so much worldwide tragedy right now that some people wonder why on earth anyone would want to engage with...
I love my mom. She is kind, caring, and I know she would do anything for me. Moms are undeniably badasses when it comes to protecting...